Lions StateMag 24 | Page 2

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ State News Council received reports or comments as follows: PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT – LION JAMES E. “JIM” ERVIN: PIP Jim Ervin thanked everyone for the cards, letters and calls from everyone when he had his hip replacement. He thanked Kembra for the great job she is doing. He recognized PIDs Dr. John Pearce, Myers Banister and Beverly Roberts for their continued support. PIP Ervin stated that they have continuously tried to keep the Executive Officers in touch with President Carter and with the Carter Center and all the staff to keep our programs doing well and let them have a real clear understanding of the importance of it not only for Lions Clubs International but for the Lions of Georgia. On February 12 and 13 the International President and his wife, VP Corlew and his wife, and chairman of the Foundation will be there, and ID Kembra Smith will be there representing MD 18. PIP Ervin discussed the KidSight Program. He asked Governors to go through the material and to see how exciting this program is. There is a lot of opportunity to use the material. He stated this is a great opportunity to screen six month to six year old children and also offers the chance for membership growth. PIP Ervin discussed the Centennial Program. The GMT Program was discussed. PIP Ervin stated that MD 18 is losing clubs and members and he felt not enough effort was being made to keep the membership up. CC Newby stated that it has been suggested that possibly the Lighthouse Directors from each District might head up the KidSight Program Committee. DG Hubbard, 18-I, made a motion that the District Lighthouse Directors be the District representatives to KidSight. DG Nedza, 18-N, seconded the motion. Discussion followed. DG Andrews, 18-L, stated that he was worried that the District Director might be overloaded. Vote taken - Motion carried. INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR – LION KEMBRA SMITH: ID Smith stated it was good to be back in Georgia. She stated that Board Members have been advised about the International Convention bids, but they will not receive them for another 60 days or so. She pointed out that she is already getting mailings from some of the other cities who are bidding, so hopefully the Atlanta Convention Center will get something out. She stated she has been distributing the peanut pins. ID Smith asked PIP Jim Ervin to bring Council up to date on the Board Meeting Proposal for Savannah. PIP Ervin stated that Dr. Yamada and staff will be in Savannah the week of March 2nd for about 4 days. PDG Chris Barbieri is the host Chair in Savannah, and he has asked some of the people in this room and others to be a part of the Committee and they will meet on Tuesday morning the 3rd, so that they can get a full update of what the host committee’s responsibilities are, and after that they will come to the Council with a proposed budget, possible fund raising efforts, special uniform, and some special events that can be held. CC Newby thanked ID Kembra for her efforts on behalf of the Lions of Georgia and her representation on the International Board. PAST INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR – Dr. BEVERLY ROBERTS: Dr. Roberts thanked the Council for the work they are doing. She stated that exciting things are coming up, and she knows the Council is looking forward to these. Dr. Roberts discussed Protocol. She stated that Protocol is good manners, and shows that you have respect for visiting dignitaries. She stated that she has worked with some of the Governors and Convention Chairs, and that she is available to help and advise in any way possible. This can be done over the computer, or the phone. PID Roberts stated that we have a great state and great Lions and we need to impress our visiting dignitaries and not embarrass ourselves. PAST INTERNTIONAL DIRECTOR – W.MYERS BANISTER : PID Banister congratulated the Council on the work accomplished up to this point. He apologized that he was not able to attend the last two Council Meetings due to health issues. He stated that he would not be able to attend any of the District Conventions other than 18-I this year. PAST INTERNTIONAL DIRECTOR – DR. JOHN PEARCE: Dr. Pearce stated that he was going to defer to more important parts on the agenda this morning. REPORT OF STATE CONVENTION – LION BONNIE KELLY, DG 18-0: A. DG Kelly stated that Georgia Taylor, Convention General Chair for the 2015 Tifton State Convention, c ould not be present today. DG Kelly talked with PDG Georgia via phone and items were discussed as follows: Hospitality Room will be in the building behind the Holiday Inn Express. The caterer will also handle food for the Hospitality Room. Total registrations at this time -130. The PDG Reception will be held at the College. The Wednesday night pre Council Meeting and the Thursday morning Council Meeting will be held at the Comfort Inn & Suites. CC Newby encouraged District Governors to promote and advertise the Tifton Convention and try to get at least 300 to attend the Convention. The Convention Agenda is being finalized by the Council. The Committee needs to know the number of rooms needed for Training and Seminars, and the seating needed for each. Committee also needs to know how much space they will need for Vendors. If the DGs know of any vendors, please put them in contact with PDG Taylor, so they will know how to plan for that. The Past District Governors Reception has been planned for and the $2.00 per person has been included in the fee being paid. Each District was asked to remit their $150.00 to the Committee (for the Hospitality Room) at least a month before the Convention. A speaker for the Convention has not yet been secured, but this is being handled, and information will be forthcoming. B. CC Newby stated that the 2016 Callaway Gardens Convention contract has been approved and work begun on that Convention. C. Council Chair Newby stated that the Convention Committee is still working with Jekyll Island to try to get the costs down. There will be a report before the end of the year. He stated the Atlanta Peachtree Lions Club is in a holding pattern until it is known if Jekyll will work out for 2017. D. CC Newby encouraged anyone interested in pursuing a convention for the Lions of Georgia to get preliminary information and submit it to the State Convention Committee for their investigation or to the State Office or Council Chair. 2