Learning for All Catalog Winter Spring 2017 | Page 24

H W Alternative Healing Classes with Katherine McMonagle Discover Medita on Medita on is a powerful, relaxing experience that allows the body, mind and spirit to align and heal. It brings clarity, a deep sense of wellbeing and peace, along with deeper percep on. Learn the best way for you to meditate, integrate, balance, revitalize and thrive. You will also be guided through two medita ons: a daily medita on and a Chakra (energy center) medita on. Date: Thu, May 4 Time: 6:30–8:30 pm Cost: $29 Class #: AEW6 Loca on: Gladstone, 109 Chakra Balancing Chakras are the body's energy centers. Their func on is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of self-consciousness. They are associated with physical, mental and emo onal interac ons. Discover ways to open, balance, heal and connect your chakras while connec ng to the universe and the earth. Could You Have Empathy? Energy Healing Empathy is the ability to sense and feel the true emo ons of another person. During the first session, discover if you are an Empath and how to u lize this gi as well as protect yourself from feeling too much. The second session is experien al in nature, allowing ample opportunity to prac ce and develop your gi . Discover your natural healing energy in this hands-on, interac ve class. This gentle, non-invasive touch therapy is used to promote self-healing by restoring balance to the energy fields that surround the human body. It complements conven onal medicine and can be used to promote relaxa on, reduce pain, enhance immune func on and manage stress. Learn some basic techniques that you can u lize at home in the first session. The second session is experien al in nature, allowing ample opportunity to prac ce and develop your gi of healing. Date: Wed, Apr 5 & 12 2 sessions Time: 6:30–8:00 pm Cost: $59 Class #: AEW4 Loca on: Gladstone, 109 Discover Medicinal Herbs There are no weeds! There is a use for every plant, and there a re herbs that can help every condi on. Discover herbal medicine including history, forms of delivery, efficacy, contraindica ons, quality of herbs, herbal ac ons, commonly used herbs, what to include in an herbal remedy kit, where to purchase herbs, and resources for more informa on. Date: Tue, Mar 21 & 28 2 sessions Time: 6:30–8:00 pm Cost: $59 Class #: AEW3 Loca on: Gladstone, 109 Date: Mon, May 15 Time: 6:30–8:00 pm Cost: $29 Class #: AEW7 Loca on: Gladstone, 109 Date: Thu, Apr 27 Time: 6:30–8:30 pm Cost: $29 Class #: AEW5 Loca on: Gladstone, 109 24 DISTRICT 622 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | WWW.ISD622.ORG/CE