Le Freak, So Chic Jun. 2014 | Page 14

What, or who, is "Society"?

To quote wattpad user ThomasLarson, “Society is a relative term. It's made up of people who have accepted the norm, dictated by the ones who control the media."

To put it simply, we all make up a society! The correct definition of "society" is a group of people living together in communities who share laws, traditions, and values. Societies include cities, countries, and even the whole world! Something as small as a club or your normal group of friends might even be categorise as a society.

Where do I fit in Society?

Society labels everyone (and everything), and it starts as early as our school days: Popular, Jock, Geek, Musician, etc… Everyone's trying to fit you into one category or another. People want you to be able to say all the right things, be funny, have quirks, be able to please everyone -- there's nothing wrong with being able to do all those things, but not everyone is going to be like that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being introverted, either. Quoting wattpad user smurfrielle, "I want it to be okay that I'm not the life of the party, and that I'm not always chumming with every person I meet."

“Gender roles. Fuck gender roles. I hate em. Men aren't always going to be "manly," girls aren't always going to be "girly." ~Wattpad user Slitheen3

"Guys aren't supposed to cry…", "Girls have to be able to cook and stay in the kitchen…". I'm sure we've all heard sentences like these. There's always the job division, assigning roles to different genders. This instills a thought: "I'm a girl, but I can't do this. What does that make me?" or "I'm a guy, but I cry…". Society should accept that genders are equal and shouldn't be judged for their identity. It's absolutely fine to be a girl and not wear makeup, or to be a guy Directioner, or be either and do both! It's perfectly normal and there shouldn't be a gap between both genders.

Another thing that society does is privileging a certain race or skin colour (and stereotyping them).