HOME OF TEAM SCIENCE F ounded in 1931 by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Berkeley Lab is the birthplace of scientific advances from energy saving lighting and windows to Your Gateway to Berkeley Lab Innovation POWERED BY INNOVATION Berkeley Lab delivers science solutions to the world – solutions derived from the hundreds of patented and patent pending inventions plus copyrighted software a more accurate cholesterol test to the in the lab’s portfolio, over 150 new inventions reported each year, and scores of Anger camera, predecessor to modern peer-reviewed manuscripts in premier scientific publications. medical imaging systems. In addition to a range of expertise and available technologies, the lab is home Berkeley Lab is also to one-of-a-kind user facilities enabling nanofabrication, protein crystallography, home to team science, pilot scale biofuels manufacturing, and much more. Ernest Lawrence’s concept that the greatest discoveries are made with scientists from different disciplines working together to solve a problem. Today, Lab interdisciplinary research teams and DRIVEN BY PARTNERSHIPS Partnerships – with entrepreneurs, startups, small businesses, other research institutions and multinational corporations – are key to Berkeley Lab achieving its mission. Technology licensing, collaborative research, user facility access, and industry consortia are some of the partnership models Berkeley Lab employs to move early stage research from the Lab to the marketplace and support industry innovation. collaborative projects INSPIRED BY OPPORTUNITY connecting the Lab, Whether your goal is to start up a company, improve a product line, or solve industry, and other industry-specific issues to stay competitive, Berkeley Lab expertise, research, research organizations and user facilities can be a part of the solution. continue that tradition. ƒ F or decades, Berkeley Lab has advanced scientific discovery Your gateway to all Berkeley Lab has to offer is the Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO). IPO connects industry collaborators with the Innovation and Partnerships that lead to Opportunity.