Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 19

Dr. Danny is ver y pr oud of M adonna Univer sity? huge s fem ale population. Eighty per cent of students in M edical School ar e w om en. W ith ever y w om an w ho gr aduates, ther e is a shift in attitude consciousness tow ar ds ALL w om en. This sim ple fact can only be pr aised. He m entioned that the biggest issue facing the students is over com ing the m ental conditioning of oppr ession faced since childhood. Death in Niger ia is like a w ar zone and m any have num bed their m inds to the em otional pain associated w ith death. The need to change this num bness, especially w ith m edical students, nur ses and inter ns, is vital to cr eate a sense of ur gency in the deliver y of essential em er gency tr eatm ent. death and destr uction to one of gr eatness. Dr. Danny w r ote in a M adonna Univer sity Publication, ?As an obstetr ician for m or e than 3 decades, I have helped deliver ed over 10,000 Dr Daneschumand and Students babies. I have never seen a bad baby. If a baby tur ns into a bad adult, som ething has gone ter r ibly w r ong.? We know that ever yone is bor n w ith the cor e instincts to sur vive w hich need nour ishm ent and love for gr ow th. It doesn? take a village to t r aise a child, it takes a NURTURING village to pr otect and honor that child. Dr. Danny stated, ?An analogy of this cultur e is that pr oper softw ar e w as never pur chased to dow nload into their com puter [br ain], so com passion, em pathy and per sonal connection has never been thought of, nor felt as an em otion." On our tour of the new m atur ity hospital designed by Dr. Danny, w e m et a w om an w ho had tr iplets by caesar ian section a few days ear lier. The babies w er e in the incubator s and thr iving due to the new state of the ar t equipm ent. I offer ed the M other a hear ty congr atulation as she just looked at m e w ith an The basic em phasis should be on the w ay people tr eat other people. Dr. Danny r em inds em ptiness in her eyes. us of the hum an pr inciples of m ir r or ing. If Dr. Danny told m e later that even though the people act w ith anger, the only r esponse they incubator s allow ed the sm allest of the tr iplets to get back in anger. If they act w ith fear, they w ill sur vive, the hospital staff expected a dism al life for often get back a r eaction to over com e the fear. the m other and her babies because all thr ee w er e The sam e hold tr ue for the collective infant gir ls. Later, it w as confir m ed that the husband consciousness. had hoped for boys and expr essed his dissatisfaction Bok o Har am , I SI S, an d Al l Rel i gi ou s War s w ith the his thr ee new baby gir ls. The cultur al collective consciousness in Niger ia is the The thought that people ar e intoler ant of other har dest thing to over com e w ithin the m ost populated r eligions is ar chaic. Religion and per sonal beliefs is and should alw ays be a pr ivate m atter. continent, Afr ica. And yet, in this year of 2015, believer s r eact as For tunately, the stude