Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 17

to take our individual pow er back to change the entir e dynam ics of the existing pow er enlightening tr ip to Elele, River State, Niger ia w hich w as str uctur e that deliver s fear in w hich to contr ol sponsor ed by M adon n a Un i ver si t y. I w as the thir d hum anity. r epr esentative of the US delegation for I nter nationa l The good new s is that w e individually Foundation of Wor ld Pea ce a nd Resea r ch, headed by Dr. Shar r on Str oud, Pr esident. Our ten day stay in outnum ber the existing pow er str uctur e by 100 Niger ia w as the m ost life-changing tr ip of my life. It w as M illion to 1 in w hich to cr eate an effective an oppor tunity for m e to explor e in m or e detail how w e tipping point of lasting change. Regar dless of w hether you ar e aw ar e of it, this pool of can achieve w or ld peace dur ing our lifetim e. collective thought CAN tr ansfor m the planet, the global economy and our per sonal lives faster than w e have could ever im agined. Du r i n g Apr i l /M ay of 2015, I en j oyed an Th e Pl i gh t of Ni ger i an Wom en M y tr ip to Niger ia took m e out of my com for t zone in w hich to engage, connect, under stand and exper ience how m any people live in ver y difficult and har sh conditions. The US Delegation: Clayton Beaver, Dr. Sharron Stroud and Jewels Johnson A Si m pl e Ex pl an at i on of Col l ect i ve Con sci ou sn ess All hum an, anim als and plants cr eate a pool of thought energies w her e a dom inant patter n em er ges. This deter m ines w or ldw ide events such as peace or w ar, pover ty or abundance, love or hate affecting billions of people globally. W ithout even voicing our agr eem ent or disagr eem ent, a dom inant collective vibr ation com es together to for m a m ass consciousness that actively cr eates. This pool of ener gy is w hat the Univer se (God) r eads fir st. Histor ically, this m ass consciousness has been m anipulated by fear and hate. M any people have used this know ledge to gain pow er and contr ol over people and even countr ies and nations. The inter net, how ever, has been a pow er ful tool w hich allow ed us im m ediate access to infor m ation that keeps us aw ar e of w hat is happening globally. At lightning speed, w e can see w hat the r est of the w or ld is thinking and how, by connecting w ith other s ar ound the w or ld, could deter m ine a new outcom e. This r ecognition allow s us The fact that w om en and young gir ls in Afr ica ar e br utalized is in epidem ic pr opor tions. Ther e is a deep cultur al belief, especially in Niger ia, that it is socially acceptable to hit a w om an as a for m of discipline. In Afr ica, dom estic violence is w idespr ead and show s no sign of lessening because of the social context is based lar gely on its' patr iar chal society. Violence against a w ife is seen as a tool for a husband to chastise and im pr ove her as if she w er e an anim al that could be tr ained. The com m on loss of w om en? r ights upon m ar r iage s in Sub-Sahar an Afr ica and the im plicit obedience and defer ence tow ar ds m en is socially encour aged w ithin their society. in spite of their stong beliefs about w om en, I hear d stor ies of m other s and elder ly w ise w om an w ho tr anscended the abuse and becam e highly r espected w om en of their villages. Although these stor ies w er e few and far betw een, my hopes and expectations w er e incr eased w ith the belief that the futur e could be differ ent thr ough shifting of the collective consciousness. M adon n a Un i ver si t y i s M ak i n g a Di f f er en ce M adonna Univer sity has appr oxim ately 10,000 students w ith fr equent pilgr im ages com ing fr om r em ote villages to par take in catholic Page 17 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015