LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Página 161

Tanya Ziniewicz
Land scape
view the concepts of the real and the imagined playing out within your works ?
Finding just the right balance between abstraction and representation , or real and imagined , is an essential part of my work . From reality , I seek visual information that is useful to creating spatial illusion and believable volumetric forms . From imagination , I develop forms that have certain general features – such as curved , continuous , overlapping , or intertwining . Drawing from both sides , the resulting images are ambiguous but believable , sometimes exhibiting characteristics of things that could be defined as vines , seaweed , hair , or ribbons , though the forms are never limited to being interpreted as a specific thing . kind of language , suspending the viewers between imagination and reality marks out a considerable part of your production . How would you define the relationship between abstraction and representation in your practice ? In particular , how does reality and a tendency towards abstraction find their balance in your work ? And how do you
Inviting the viewer to discover interpretations and associations , The Land series allows an open reading , a great multiplicity of meanings : associative possibilities seems to play a crucial role in your pieces . How important is this degree of openness ?
Very important , and I keep that in mind as I work . I have my own personal or psychological narrative that influences each piece as I create it , but I keep most of that private . I encourage the audience to interpret