LandEscape Art Review // Special Issue | Page 139

Carol Elkovich
Land scape
Fibonacci sequence observed in nature , mapped in mathematical sequences , and expressed in art and architecture through the Golden Section , Rectangle , and Proportion . The compositions in the Viral Theories series are directly related to the democratic branching patterns in Rhizomatic systems . As far as other inspiration or artistic influences go , I like to think my work shares an affinity , in terms of language of accumulation and liberated compositions , with the installations of Pae White and Ann Hamilton . Also , Carol Bove makes work whose themes and compositional juxtapositions I appreciate .
The way you capture non-sharpness with an universal kind of language quality marks out a considerable part of your production , that are in a certain sense representative of the relationship between emotion and memory . How would you define the relationship between real and unreal , between abstraction and representation in your practice ? In particular , how do figurative and a tendency towards abstraction find their balance in your work ?
I like your definition of non-sharpness and would add that the language you speak of is essentially a series of visual metaphors that are open to interpretation and made accessible through the juxtaposition of unspoken , associative impulses . My work deals with giving shape to the invisible , such as emotions and memories , which although they cannot be seen are unmistakably real . I tend toward abstraction as a means to access fleeting and possibly