La Petite Special Issue 7 | Page 99

Q&A WITH / MOLO E N V IRONMENT FOR W H AT FA BRIC S DO Y O U P ROD UCING DESIGN S? Our TYPIC A L LY U SE ? It depends design department is very small, from season to season, but we use consisting of five lovely designers a lot of soft cotton, denim in different working in pairs on each the boys washes, sweats in different qualities and girls collection and one print and with interesting surfaces as designer developing prints across well as soft woven garments as it’s the whole collection. As we are comfortable to move around it working a lot with the same themes . and trends on both boys and D O YO U H AV E A NY girls in our collections our design U PC O M IN G PRO J EC T S process becomes very transverse TH AT YO U C A N SH AR E and dynamic and the designers W ITH U S? Well, we actually have a use each other a lot in terms of very big one coming up, but we can’t creative sparring. Also our HQ is really reveal anything yet. Besides like an open workspace with all of that, we have reached a number of the departments working closely milestones along the way and we are together, which we believe helps us always looking forward in search of making high quality products in terms new challenges. To us the dynamics of both quality, design, fabric and are hidden in the development and it price. creates a shared enthusiasm across business functions. L A PET I T E M A GA Z I N E | 9 7