La Petite Special Issue 6 | Page 9

la petite team ISSU E N ˚6 Editor In Chief R a c he lle Fr a nc e y Design Editor Aly ssa Yuha s Copy Editor Na pht a li Mur phy Advertising Manager Ja nna Smit h Submissions cont a c t @ la pe t it e ma g.c om Contributors L e e C l owe, Karo l i n a Hen ke, M ax i n e Hel f m a n, Alyssa Yuha s, Na p hta li Murp hy, Jose p hina Ca rlie r, He nrie tte Ba nd u l i k , R e n a D u r h a m , Mari j ke de Gru yter, Jet Verves t, Osc a r Ouk, Je nny Ha a p a l, Eme lie Lund q vist, Ma lin Ha gglov, Ama nd a We s t erbom, M a r g u e r i t e O e l o f s e, Bev Nates , D an a S tal ews ki , Gise la R yd b e rg, Ca the rine Va ind orf, Linn Ed holm, Ma lin R ud e n, Je nnif er K rant z , Beth an y F l o rek, A m an da Gi f t an d Sc ott B rine ga r, He a the r R ome , Ulla Nye ma n, Ana sta siya Se rd yukova , A n as tas i ya Ku rbato va, Al ex an dra Tre tya kova , Anna Olsze wska , Ge orgia De ve y Smith, Gina Kim La Petite Magazine all rights reserved. Reproduction, even partial reproduction of all the articles, photographs and illustrations published in La Petite Magazine is forbidden. La Petite M agazine is not responsible for copy, illustrations, photo's for which their authors accept sole responsibility. Their presence in the magazine implies that La Petite is authorized to publish them. La Petite accepts no responsibility for documents submitted. The views in La Petite Magazine are those of the respected contributors and are not necessarily shared by the magazine or its staff. © La Petite Magazine 2016 FRONT COVER 0 1 FR ONT COVER 02 Wears: Animals Observatory sweater, Wears: Amour Bows, Ga rd ne r a nd t he Caroline Bosmans shirt Ga ng Lion shirt, a c olla b ora tion Photographer: M ari j ke de Gru yter b e twe e n Kristin Nyström a nd Photographer's Assistant: Gwen do l yn Ke a sb e ry, Ja ime King Es m ee D o o r n Photographer: Ka rolina He nke , Skarp agent Retouch: Neda@ ph o to ki n eti c Photographer's Assistant & retouch: Eme lie Styling: Jet Verves t Lund q vist Hair & Make-up: In g ri d Bo ekel Hair & Make-up: Ma rtin Sund q vist Model: L o u l a 6 | LA PETIT E MAGAZINE Model: B e nja min H, Stockholmsgruppen