La Petite Special Issue 6 | Page 30

MANY OF OUR READERS ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING IN DESIGN – IN SOME CAPACITY , DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE TO SHARE FOR THEM AS THEY PURSUE THEIR DREAMS ? JAIME : No matter what , if you keep having a vision of something you want to do , always follow your heart . That doesn ’ t lie . If you continuously have a vision for something ( I really want to design , I really have an idea ) that is your first indicator that that ’ s something you need to try , to really lean into and really go for . First and foremost , it ’ s always quality over quantity . Never ever think that you have to have some gigantic collection to run out of the gates with and then you ’ re scared because you don ’ t have the money to make a gigantic collection . People don ’ t need that . What people need is quality . And , what people need is something that ’ s going to really stand out . Get creative and get thoughtful . Think outside the box . Let ’ s say you want to design something . Have a clear vision for what you want to say . Use the things that you have available to yourself like pinterest and the internet . Start gathering imagery that inspires you . Start going on walks . I think that walking and moving or doing things like that can be incredibly inspiring . Once you have an idea and you know what the message is that you want to create , then start thinking about who your customer is . Now that you know your vision and your messaging and who you want to sell to , then start thinking about how much money you have vs . sourcing . Be really diligent in your research . Make sure that the people you are working with have a great track record . Make sure that the fabric mills are treating their workers with fairness , kindness , and consideration . Be very aware [ of who you ’ re sourcing from ] so you can get something that you feel really good about aesthetically and morally because that will naturally spread into your collection . [ Sometimes it ’ s best to design first and then source , but at other times inspiration can come from touching material .] We all learn in different ways . You have to learn what it is that naturally stimulates your senses and your creativity . And , again , focus on quality over quantity . Also , set up your social media accounts and your web address and email with your company name . Connect with people . There ’ s something about small businesses , where people understand what it ’ s like . They want to help . Remember that [ most ] people do want to be generous . If you really admire someone ’ s work reach out to them and ask them for pointers ! Start building that support system around yourself . Knowing that you have a community of people to turn to is really important and really helpful . Don ’ t ever feel that you ’ re alone in this process .
DO YOU HAVE ANY UPCOMING PROJECTS YOU COULD SHARE WITH US ? JAIME : I did a sketch comedy series called , Attention Deficit Theater . It ’ s on CW Seed . I ’ m really excited about these new online platforms of being able to create really creative content . Attention Deficit Theater is really tips and tricks about how to live in today ’ s world of where everybody ’ s really ADD in their nature and there are too many choices and how you deal with that . It ’ s really outside the box and really fun . It ’ s all based on my brain and things I think about . We have the best comedy actors and sketch actors . There are no boundaries . It ’ s really fun and that can be found on CW Seed ( www . cwseed . com ). That ’ s the online platform of CW and it ’ s really exciting and really cool because you can find great content on there . I also have my makeup line which is all vegan and cruelty free , Jaime King for ColourPop . I ’ m really , really proud of it . That ’ s on colourpop . com . I was really proud of it because it sold out in less than two hours . That was another thing that I always wanted to do . I found a company that had it ’ s factory since 1955 . It ’ s all a family business . They make some of the biggest names in makeup . [ This company ] realized that [ other ] makeup companies are upcharging . We just want to make our own lines with our factory that is of high quality that we believe in . I have friends that have to perform in front of thousands of people and their makeup has to stay and be of high quality . And , the same thing for actors on the screen and I really wanted to make it for that . I ’ ve always loved makeup . I created a kit called “ Alchemy ” and every single thing in the line goes on every single race and every single skin color that is out there . Everything in the kit can go everywhere on your face . I ’ m really proud of it and really excited about it .
KRISTIN : [ On the subject of the collab ] Jaime and I are already planning story number two in this saga . We are exploring new , super exciting ideas . Stay tuned !