KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 May Issue Vol. 0515 | Page 8

Liberian Literary Magazine NOTHING. That is precisely the problem. They did nothing to warrant this anger. I should not be surprised considering that they always do nothing. My disappointment stems from the fact that they actually did nothing. Okay here is it. The AU has been in bed with Haiti for some time now. Everyone knows that Haiti has for a while now been wanting full membership rights in the Union. In fact, everything has been building up to this decision. But in a shocking event, the Union says, that well, you people are cool, black and all but y’all ain’t black enough. I mean they were able to find time to issue an official response. That must be the dumbest thing ever. Haiti? Not black enough? Am I missing something here? Last I checked, some 212 years ago, when the rest of the continent was so dark, they stuck their heads up their masters’ yokers to find light, Haiti actually destrung herself from the bondages of slavery. When they were still comfortably hauling off their kin to slave ports and handing them over to slavers, Haiti was enjoying individual freedom. When the same slaves they sent would give anything to be Haitians, Haiti was struggling to hold the torch of African Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture liberation. Not black enough? Can someone wake me from this nightmare? Liberia, Africa’s oldest republic, established herself many years after Haiti did and do they want to know something? Haiti recognized our independence long before the America from whence our founders came did. She was one of the first nations to recognize Liberia. And then, she passed that freedom torch to Liberia. Today, Liberia is a member. President Tubman actually organized and engineered the formation of the defunct OAU, which in my opinion had much clout than this reformed, more powerful AU. The AU has more money and organization than the OAU had but accomplishes far less than the founders did. It is pitiful right? It is like since Tubman, Nkrumah and the rest of the founders left the drawing board; this body has spent the last 3 to 4 decades reading the scripts, nothing more. They have been unable to transform this organization. Meanwhile, the EU and even baby ASEAN have come around to conclude their charters, but not the AU. It remains a union only in name. A union that places more value on China than its brothers dwelling off the 8 continental landmass. As it is, China is buying out all of Africa. In fact, effortlessly, they are ‘banjoeing’ the continent to China for peanuts. I bet you, if the Chinese government requested to be a member of AU, they’d ask her which seat she wants. They’d offer the pie as a whole for her to cut as she sees fit. By default, already, she is biting away at the pie, why would she want the extra burden of official membership? They say that some funny article in the formative document prevents Haiti from joining the AU, yet, they have no problem telling her that she is a little too white. Which to me is the real reason. Haiti has not got money like the others they are selling their souls to so why bring her onboard to share when the table is already small? That is fair right? One should share when there is enough. The problem is that there is not ‘enough’ Haiti only complicates things. Have these people heard of amendments? Do they know that the instruments can be changed? Oops, I forgot. These options mean actually doing something; which is something they are selectively just not capable of doing. So, since they don’t know or want to do anything, just anything,