KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 May Issue Vol. 0515 | Page 53

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture
J ' aime ton sourire et ton regard . Chère mère , Laisse-moi rêver sur tes seins une dernière fois .
Désormais , je veux te fêter tous les jours , Et quand viendra encore ton anniversaire , Je m ' y plongerais davantage dans ton bassin d ' amour , Où les étoiles scintilleraient sous la clarté lunaire .
Toi , la femme qui connaît mes qualités et mes défauts , Demande à Dieu qu ' à chaque soir avant que je sommeille , Que ces souvenirs viennent visiter le creux de mes oreilles , Pour que je puisse dormir dans l ' ambiance de ton solo .
Copyright © May 2009 , Hebert Logerie , All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of " Mounts And Valleys of Love " Page 153 https :
A Simple Farewell At Dawn - My Lord ! My friend left and headed east , Where she will find true comfort , peace And serenity . She ’ ll be free of pain And misery , and be blessed by the rain .
Esther , my friend , was a wonderful person , A fighter , a great mother , and a superwoman . She knew how to endure pain and suffering . She was a modern princess , who loved spring , With its nasty thorns and the beautiful flowers . She ’ s now gone with the wind and the thunders .
My Lord ! My friend left with last night ’ s sunset , Where she will no longer be uptight and upset , With the problems and the difficulties of life . Now , she has no pain , no worries and no mouth .
© Hebert Logerie
Hebert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems . Alumnus of : ' l ' Ecole de Saint Joseph '; ' the College of Roger Anglade ' in Haiti ; Montclair High School of New Jersey ; and Rutgers , the State University of New Jersey , USA . He studied briefly at Laval University , Quebec , Canada . He ’ s a Haitian- American . He started writing at a very early age . My poems are in French , English , and Creole ; I must confess that most of my beauteous and romantic poems are in my books .
http :// www . poemhunter . com / h ebert-logerie http :// www . poesie . webnet . fr / v ospoemes / logerie