KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 May Issue Vol. 0515 | Página 37

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture Why must we be steadfast? We pay a BIG price when we waver. We cannot and will not pursue our dreams without determination. WHY I MUST BE STEADFAST. List five to ten reasons if you can. How does that make you feel? COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE: Determination causes us to struggle. You cannot be steadfast without a struggle. Steadfastness or determination takes effort. Too many times, we want ease. Now, think of someone you know that you would consider steadfast. They are stable, dependable, reliable, and firm in purpose. This person stays and stands true. Are you this type of person? The things that I will do to be more steadfast are… This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BEING DETERMINED: How to be Relentless in Pursuing Your Dreams in 15 Simple Ways. Available on May 31, 2016. You may even consider this person your “rock of Gibraltar.” He or she is always steady. You most likely admire this person, don’t you? Join my email list & get my first book free. Go to In fact, some of you are going through a situation right now. If you are not “firm in purpose,” not only will you not see a way out, there will be no way out. Now is the time to hold tight to your dreams. Now is the time to focus. “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus,” Alexander Graham Bell. Janice Almond is the author of the Being Grateful book series. Her first book in the series, Being Grateful: How to Open the Door to a More Fulfilled & Abundant Life in 13 Easy Steps is available on her website: Follow Janice on Twitter:@JalmondjoyRenee Do this. Tell “one” of your minds to get lost! You remember that Dr. Seuss book, The Cat in the Hat? You remember, Thing 1 and Thing 2? Well, pick Thing 1 and tell Thing 2 to take a hike! Tell him to get packing! I’m serious about this. Stay with “one” mind. Be resolute. Hold fast. Choose steadfastness from this day forward. Choose to get rid of the “two” minds. You can do it. You must do it. Your character and your future are at stake. Here’s an exercise: Write down a few reasons why you should be steadfast. DO IT NOW. 37