K-OODI Magazine March 2016, Issue 4 | Page 210

i wOUld giVe uP eVERYthinG fOr the FEEL of yOur hEartbEAT unDER mY haND wRaPPed uP in pASSion aNd SoUL youR eyEs spEAK to mE of LoVE in ITS PurEst foRM as MY liPs tOuch YOurs i fEEL thE weiGHt of a tHouSANd woRlds sLip aWay yOur TouCH is MY exisTEnCE, mY aLL i wiLL HolD yOu UnTIL thE gaTEs of tHE nexT liFE oPeN i wiLL finD yOu iN tHe BEyoND mY lOVE, i aM fORever yOURs Drawing by Amber Stanford Poem by Jason Sinner