K-OODI Magazine March 2016, Issue 4 | Page 207

sHE is A ViSioN of aLL dReAMs cOMinG tRuE sHe BRingS a SMile tO MY facE eVen wHen LIfe tRIes to BRinG mE doWn hEr heART is vAst WEll of LOve aNd paSSioN sHe gLows WiTH thE inSpiRAtioN sHE dRAws fRoM hER suRRouNdinGs sHE is EvERYthinG tO mE hER eyES speaK thAT sHe lOves ME as heR lIPS dO thE sAME sHe is MY PaRadisE in A wiCkeD wORld Drawing by Amber Stanford Poem by Jason Sinner i never knew before that simple words could create new worlds