Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Vol. 2, Issue 2, Fall 2015 | Page 83

Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
Figure 2 . Difference in the proportion of people with immigrant traits and the frequency of mtDNA haplogroup D4 depending on the marriage institution and the speed of agricultural diffusion .
Cases of Polygamous Marriage : The proportion of people with immigrant traits and the frequency of mtDNA haplogroup D4 after 400 years varied depending on the speed of the diffusion of agriculture ( Figure 2 ). In cases of polygamous marriage , some cases of slow-speed diffusion of agriculture did not achieve a population of 80 % with immigrant traits and 35 % with mtDNA haplogroup D4 after 400 years . By contrast , some cases demonstrating a significant speed of agriculture diffusion demonstrated a population of 80 % with immigrant traits and 35 % with mtD- NA haplogroup D4 after 400 years . These results demonstrate that in cases in which polygamous marriage was combined with the diffusion of agriculture , demographic transition was facilitated by the wider diffusion of agriculture . This could be attributed to a time lag between the diffusion of agriculture and polygamous marriage , which influenced the increasing populations of native people and immigrants . Specifically , the density distribution of immigrants meant that the number of immigrants increased during the earliest stage . However , polygamous marriage and mtDNA haplogroup D4 remained within immigrants because these traits were inherited from parent agents . Consequently , the neighboring native people came to possess agriculture by diffusion . Furthermore , in a situation in which immigrant neighbors engaged in