Journal on Policy & Complex Systems Vol. 2, Issue 2, Fall 2015 | Page 31

Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
source-identified via producer labels . The only absolute requirement for a producer to become a member of the food hub cooperative is that its operations must be located within the state of Iowa .
Upon joining the food hub , each new producer member develops a descriptive profile that he / she uploads to the food hub ’ s website . These producer profiles are visible to consumer members and are intended to help inform their decisions regarding from which producers to purchase . The food hub manager gives new producers suggestions about the types of information that are appropriate for their profiles , but these are merely guidelines , and there is no formal certification required . At a minimum , most producers provide the following information : farm / production facility location , types of products offered , and production practices used ( e . g ., certified organic , chemical-free , free-range , grass-fed ). Many producers also include photos of their farms and their families , as well as links to their websites , and they may volunteer additional information , including the histories of their farms and statements about their values and personal beliefs with respect to sustainability and food production . In this way , the profiles give consumers a sense of connection with the producers , although they may never actually meet . An effective profile can make a producer more competitive and increase his / her sales to consumers . None of the information in the profiles is formally verified by the food hub ’ s manager ; the system relies on consumer trust .
At the beginning of each biweekly distribution cycle , each participating producer uploads information about his / her current product offerings ( i . e ., product types / descriptions , prices , and available quantities ) onto the food hub ’ s website . This information is made available to the consumer members , who select and order items from the producers whose products and profiles best meet their own personal preferences . The producers then package and label these items and deliver them to the food hub ’ s central distribution center , where products are sorted for transport to various secondary distribution sites throughout central Iowa . Consumers then travel to the site nearest to them to pick up their orders .
To remain economically viable , the food hub charges its members a fee for this service . However , supporting small-scale Iowa producers is also a critical component of the hub ’ s mission . Therefore , the food hub manager encourages small producers to participate , although this increases the number of transactions the hub must broker . The manager is also mindful of the number of producers in each product category , with an aim toward avoiding too much competition and unsustainable prices . The food hub also tries to promote greater consumer access to regional food by seeking to provide a range of price points . There are often tradeoffs between supporting producer and consumer members , which can be challenging for the food hub to successfully manage .
This regional food system is a complex sociotechnical system , composed of multiple autonomous and interacting actors . The individual decisions and adaptations of the consumers , producers , and the food hub manager yield complex