January DropZone 2014 | Page 9

branch he wanted to join. After careful consideration of the opportunities offered in each branch, he eventually decided that the Air Force was the right fit for him. His interest in the military was initially sparked by his father who was in the Army, but after the tragic events of 9/11, he knew for a fact he wanted to join the military. He was only a short distance away, about ten to fifteen minutes across the bay, when the events took place and while he felt he did not understand what was happening at the time, he grew to understand it and it stoked the fire of wanting to serve. He’ll never forget the skies being black with the debris of the fallen towers and not being allowed to open windows or go outside, or how many of his young classmates lost a parent or other family member in the attacks. It is definitely a driving factor for his decision to join the military.

From the constant challenges presented by the military to the camaraderie with fellow brothers and sisters in arms, the military was without a doubt something he wanted to explore. In addition to the previously mentioned factors, many of his friends joined the military either directly after high school or during college, which also gave him a greater want to serve. His dream job in the Air Force would be an Air Liaison Officer. The opportunity to work with different units from different branches of the military, and control the air power in the skies above them, seems almost irresistible in terms of a career to him.