January DropZone 2014 | Page 11

war has been highly useful and used as a resource more successfully than ever before.

Dr. Robb also sees the military healthcare force implementing newer and more successful practices into the civilian sector. He sees reservists and DoD workers taking the practices from the military hospitals into the civilian sector and is seeing these practices being put into policy. The military will gain an even better reputation among the healthcare world with the evidence based practices that are being produced by our military’s top health professionals.

Dr. Robb also wants patients who receive TRICARE to know that their coverage and policies should not change. He states that the DHA should not affect the process of how TRICARE normally operates. The DHA does not plan to change anything that does not need it; the program essentially just wants to create a medically ready force through the changes it does enact.

"Leadership is intangible; therefor no weapon ever designed can replace it."

General Omar Bradley