Janfam Issue 1 - Believe in Inspiration | 页面 42

Janet is my angel, a hero by PS

My life started out good. Born into a rich family. But when I was in junior high my life took a turn for the worse. When my dad found out that I made friends with a black girl he used to beat me everyday after school. The only time l would catch a break was on the weekends, school holidays and the summertime. What's so messed up is that everyone knew about it. But they never did anything about it. No one tried to save me or take me out of that bad situation. I got fed up and sick and tired of putting up with it, to where I finally got to the point to where I wanted to die.

But something kept me from doing it. I knew Janet wouldn't want me to do it. I had something to live for and a reason to live. I think what truly did save me when l found a real solution is when I discovered Janet. I found out about Janet from my brother. I kept hearing about Janet. All l knew is that she sings. And when I asked my brother he told me everything he knew about Janet at the time. He had the Rhythm Nation album. He played it for me. That's when I knew that Janet could be the one to save me and she did. She helped me to change my life for the better. I know she isn’t God or the messiah, but she's my saviour.

Janet is my angel too. She is like an angel on earth put here by God. Look at the good stuff that she does. l hope that she keeps doing good things. She has saved my life. If she has saved one life, my life is the life she saved. That's a major accomplishment. I'm very thankful for Janet. l thank god all the time for her. She's a special gift to me.

I have a past with drugs and alcohol. I didn't go to rehab because I didn't want to and sometimes it doesn't work. l didn't want to be away from my friends and family. So l chose to go cold turkey. It may be a little harder than rehab. But once l came to the final day I stopped feeling that urge. It was a major accomplishment, l felt so good. Like l was free as a bird. l didn't have to worry about being held down by addiction anymore. Janet had helped me get through that. I found some encouragement in Janet to help me want to stop. I knew l couldn't do it by myself. Her music is like music therapy to me. If it could be put in pill form it probably would help alot of people. But l know one thing for sure, she saved my life.

Thank you so much Janet. I love you. Thank you so very much. Janet is my hero. She knows my story. If my story can save one life, that's a good thing. If it can help someone or anyone get out of a bad situation, that's a good thing. If it gives encouragement and provides positivity, that's a good thing. I hope my story does help anyone that reads it. l hope everyone reads it.