It's Your Life Aug/Sept 2015 | Page 43

42 August/September It’s Your Life Magazine know that the earth’s surface is nature’s most potent source of antioxidant? Because lighting strikes the earth approximately 100 times per second, the ground maintains a negative electrical charge. It is an unending supply of electrons that have the ability to quench free radicals, and the easiest way to get them is by simply walking barefoot. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and absorbs whatever it comes in contact with, which is why you should stay away from chemical filled soaps, lotions, and beauty products. The biggest pores on the skin are on the bottom of our feet. So by walking bare foot on earth’s surface we are putting ourselves in a position to freely receive tons of electrons. No pricey super foods needed! How to practice earthing: 1. Barefoot walking To receive electrons, it’s necessary to have direct contact with the earth. Shoes are typically lined with rubber, or another non-conductive material that prevent electrons from reaching the foot. These electrons are not only available on dry land, but in the water as well. If you can remember back to elementary science, or times of shocking yourself in an outlet, water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Swimming in the ocean or lakes is a great way to absorb nature’s free anti-oxidants. 2. Using an Earthing Mat When I lived in southern California, I could walk barefoot in my yard or on the beach whenever I wanted. Now that I’m in Cornwall, UK where it’s cold and rainy, it’s not realistic to be outside without shoes, so I invested in an earthing mat. It connects to a grounded socket making natures antioxidants available when I’m inside. I put it on the end of my bed when I sleep, set it under my laptop when I’m working and put my feet on it while I’m sitting. It protects from electromagnetic frequencies and gives me antioxidants at the same Isssue 3 time. You can purchase earthing mats, sheets, and pillowcases online. I love my earthing mat as does my dad. He has had 2 knee replacements and prior to trying earthing was taking pain killers quite regularly to deal with the stiffness. After my nagging he agreed to try my earthing mat for 20 minutes. Initially he didn’t feel a difference, but the next morning he was shocked as his knees hadn’t felt that good in years. In fact, he believes in earthing so much that he now refuses to wear shoes outside and often shouts “look Heather, I’m getting my electrons!” A friend’s testimony: I have a friend named Rachel who lives in New Zealand. She