iSing Issue 1 | Page 7

The Fundamentals VOCAL NERDS: WARMING UP Chris & Steve explain the virtues of warming up & why tension is a dirty word. e would describe it as not only hugely beneficial but also an essential part of a singer’s daily ritual.! W ! In truth most people see it as a mundane pain in the ass. Hence this essential practice is overlooked, sacrificed, under-appreciated or brushed under the carpet by so many singers. We would like to restore importance to this singing staple.! home that a warm up for anything physical is a must. Otherwise you’ll be in danger of having to drag your jelly legs out of the gym after five star jumps. The reason is when muscle is ‘cold’, as a result of being unused, it has less blood flow. Good blood flow helps a muscle to be pliable, coordinated, impact resistant and reactive; all of which ultimately prevent you from getting injured. ! Anyone who has ever been to the gym will have heard their friendly trainer hammering iSing | issue 1 ! You may think that a full body warm up is only necessary for those people hanging out in gyms wearing Lycra pants,! but you’d be wrong. The human body is a complex little fellow/gal. Connected from head to toe with complex systems, it is impossible to isolate one part, including the voice! That’s right, a shoulder roll or side bend really will have a positive impact on the performance of the vocal muscles, not to mention what a state of relaxation will do for a singer’s mindset!! ! Back to school! Let’s start at the anatomical level (stay with us… we’ll try and make it fun). The vocal mechanism which includes the vocal cords (also known as vocal folds), structures of the throat and mouth, respiration and supporting body parts all coordinate and move together to ensure good vocal function; muscle itself is responsible for those movements. Many singers do not realise that the vocal cords themselves consist of muscle. Just like the antagonistic relationship between the biceps and triceps, the vocal cord muscle adjustments allow your voice to create pitch and coordinate smoothly throughout your range.! So, why is a physical warm up essential?! We are sure you will agree that, in most circumstances, tension is bad and restrictive. It limits our body’s potential and in turn dampens our creativity.  As singers, we want to create an environment where our body can maximise its strengths and allow us to be as creative as possible. Cue the warm up regimen. ! ! It’s the classic analogy of sleeping like a log the night through and waking up feeling about as flexible as a railway sleeper. You can totally apply this rationale to your voice. Vocal cords also need to warm up their muscle fibres before they can think about getting to work.! ! Now to vocal warm ups! The warm up is fundamental t o p r o d u c i n g a h e a l t h y, creative environment and prepare the voice ready to tackle those high C’s with power and intensity. ! ‘Vocalising’ or ‘using sounds’ are the most common choice of exercises for vocal 
 warm ups. Swipe to read MORE »