iSing Issue 1 | Page 31

Mind, Body & Soul NUTRITION MUCUS ON THE VOCAL FOLDS is the bane of any singer’s life. There are ways to tackle this issue using natural solutions. Stephanie tells us how. F or a singer, having a build up of mucus in the throat is really bad news. ! Mucus production can be triggered for various reasons, but if you are trying to hit those top notes or belt out a big number, you’ll struggle if your vocal folds are all bunged up with mucus.! ! The constant clearing of the throat to eliminate the mucus build-up can cause irritation and soreness, triggering even more mucus production, so what can be done to rid your throat of mucus and prevent
 its return?! ZA PP ING MU C US THE NATURAL WAY Keys to a healthy immune system: plenty of sleep; a diet high in fresh, natural foods as unprocessed as possible; limited refined sugars in the diet such as sweet foods, baked goods, chocolate etc.; getting some exercise and managing stress levels by making time to properly relax on a regular basis. ! Water is also a key factor for both healthy immune function and keeping mucus levels down. Taking a supplement containing vitamins C, D & E plus some Zinc will also boost immunity and help dispel the mucus.! ! Another cause of mucus production is a protection mechanism from irritants like cigarette smoke and other fumes. Smoking is one of the very worst things you can be doing for vocal health and overall well-being. The heat and noxious chemicals in cigarette smoke are so damaging that the body makes mucus to protect the delicate cells that line the oesophagus (throat). When people give up smoking, they often find they develop a hacking cough, producing seemingly endless amounts of mucus. This is because the body begins to eliminate the mucus that has built up over the years to protect the throat. ! ! Other irritants like car or paint fumes, chemicals in the air and pollens, dust and other common allergens, all stimulate mucus production to catch the irritants before they reach the lungs. ! Why does it happen?! Firstly let’s look at the possible causes of mucus production. If you have an infection – a cold, the flu or a respiratory bug, your natural immune response will create mucus to help the body eliminate nasty invaders by expelling bacteria and viruses through the mucus when you cough and sneeze. ! So, keeping your immune system strong is essential to warding off bugs in the first place. iSing | issue 1 IMAGE