iParent Magazine Issue 8 August 2015 | Page 33

33 iParent Magazine August 2015 www.iparentmagazine.com

by Village Hamilton

The expert weighs in: For the two years my son was in Kindergarten, I would ask him every day what he learned. His response most of the time was "I don't remember.” I was starting to think he wasn’t learning anything! However, through the work that came home and by observing how he incorporated what he’d learned into his everyday activities, I started to see real progress. Just remember that their long term memory may be better than their short term at this young age. They may need some extra time to process what they’ve learned.

5. I’m trying to build a high quality back to school wardrobe that lasts. My main focus has been on good quality items, but I’m also keeping in mind that it will need to be stuff that’s easy on and off for trips to the bathroom, going outside, etc. I want good quality but also stuff that won’t break the bank as I suspect we’ll need more than just 5 outfits to get us through the week.

The expert weights in: If you think your child can make a mess and get dirty at home, wait until they go to school. They’ll come home with shoes full of sand and dirt, ripped pants and stained shirts. My advice here is to never spend a ton of money on your kid’s clothes (think discount or second hand stores) because they probably won't last.