iParent Magazine Issue 8 August 2015 | Page 20

Toddler hugs are better than drugs

ear with me, it's an exact science.

When was the last time you were hugged by a toddler? Last week? Last month? Last year? Surely, you can remember.


I can! Mine was about 20 mins ago. After wading through just shy of a million questions as I dropped my bag and my keys coming home from work through the front door, I asked for a hug and was given a massive bear hug by my 3yr old, this was then followed by a massive bear hug by my 2yr old. It swept away all my troubles from the day, rested the soul, and I could feel them holding tight. Hugging me because they wanted to and not just because it was the socially acceptable thing to do.

Let's go back to the actual hug, when toddlers hug they don't have a filter, there is no socially awkward "where do I put my hands hug," they don't do the bum out chest together hug, it's a full body wrap- arms and usually legs latching onto you at the end of a long run-up hug! And they are the best. You can feel their little heart beating and usually the sheer joy busting out of them as they, too, hug all their worries away. This is where the "better than drugs" bit comes in. Toddler hugs give instant satisfaction, they make you feel good and are usually easy to come by if you have a toddler handy, other wise, it's a little weird with a whole lot of creepy going on if you hug a random toddler!

by Dan Scully

20 iParent Magazine August 2015 www.iparentmagazine.com