International Lifestyle Magazine Issue 57 | Page 3

Welcome to issue 57 This issue is, as always, packed with positivity from around the world to bring inspiration to each and every one of our readers. There is much talk about revolution, changing the world we live in, and revolution begins with each one of us. We need, as individuals, to make changes, to inspire others to stand up, reach out and demonstrate that we can live our lives in a better way, that we can find strength in the beauty around us, beauty that is found in places, people, animals and nature. Take some deep breaths before you read through the magazine, clear your mind and think about what you can do to inspire change, every small ripple comes together to create a larger wave, so let’s all be part of that. Enjoy the magazine and share the positivity! Welcome issue 57 Contact [email protected] skype: cblmedia The Editors Editors Lynn Nicholson Julian Nicholson [email protected] Contributors Cover Image : International Lifestyle Magazine The International Lifestyle Magazine and its officers accept no responsibility for the accuracy of advertisers’ copy, their work, services or goods. Whilst we do our best to ensure content is correct, we cannot accept responsibility for admissions or errors or copyright infringement where multi media is concerned. All materials within International Lifestyle Magazine are the property of International Lifestyle Magazine and any unauthorised reproduction whether in part or whole is strictly forbidden. Robert Hare (inspiration) Janey Lee Grace ECO LOGIC Yoga Steenbergs Jo Barnard Alan Coxon Fiona Robertson Jesse J Jacoby Maya Fletcher