International Lifestyle Magazine Issue 55 | Page 85

and so that you can hear and feel when you are stressed and would normally use food as your only tool to de stress and comfort the situation. But first wouldn’t it be great fun to suspend all of our beliefs around food, what’s good, bad, healthy, what he or she thinks are the best superfoods ever or the best diet for everyone. We are all different and we were all educated, and brought up differently, how to be with and around food, our understanding of etiquette and manners, and as we are all different we want to be fulfilled quite differently as well. No one diet fits all. So then we have to take responsibility for ourselves, our health, our own likes and dislikes, listen to what our bodies tell us when we eat something, or in a situation that is difficult or extreme. So experimentation and discovering is what’s called for, to go on an adventure with the food and the mood you eat in. I invite you to join me in June 2014 for a workshop I am jointly running with this is mind. 950.00 Euros for an all inclusive week to suspend your beliefs around food, a two day juice fast, an introduction to raw food and as many experiences with food that will get you to discover for yourself what you like and dislike and what you want more of. In daily life its common that we don’t ask ourselves how we feel at every turn, how did that affect me, how did that situation make me feel, so when we get a chance for quiet time we begin to feel. For most of us that would be in the evening, when we are alone, for me when the children have gone to bed. We are alone at last and the body and heart are so happy to get our full attention, the information about the day begins to literally flood in. There is no volume control or speed control its just a huge Woosh, and its actually very difficult to take it all in, overwhelming is a good way to describe it. So to slow down this stored reservoir of information and feelings we choose an addiction. One of the safest is food, others are drink, gambling, shopping, any form of distraction that gets you to relax and not feel the situation. Workaholics are often not aware that this too is part of their addiction pattern. The body wants to be heard and if we don’t take time to hear it then it will make us stop and listen, accidents happen, illnesses, viruses, burnouts and situations out of our control will manifest Into our lives. I had a telephone client re