International Journal of Indonesian Studies Volume 1, Issue 3 | Page 3

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN STUDIES SPRING 2016 CONTENTS From the Editor Yacinta Kurniasih 4 RESEARCH ARTICLES Religious Ceremonies in Balinese Society: A Case Study of a Cremation Ritual in Tabanan Anom Rajendra & Nicholas Temple 5 Re-inventing Tabloid Journalism in Indonesia Diyah Hayu Rahmitasari 23 Code-switching and English Language Variations among Indonesian Facebookers Billy Nathan Setiawan 41 Structuralism in Eastern Indonesia: An Origin for a Theory in the Social Sciences Yancey Orr and Raymond I. Orr 59 “Au ume ma au ena”: my house and my mother: An investigation of environmental health and the traditional use of the ume kbubu in relation to maternal and neonatal mortality conditions in South Central Timor Nicholas Metherall, Jauhari Effendi, Geoff Dews, Sandra Frans, Willhelmus Mella, Jimmy Pello, Claudya Dhaja, Ananias Besh 73 Living adat Law, Indigenous Peoples and the State Law: A Complex Map of Legal Pluralism in Indonesia Mirza Satria Buana 104 The Impact of Information Communication and Technology on Students' Academic Performance: Evidence from Indonesian EFL Classrooms Arzal 120 ESSAYS Poetic Reaction to Political Excess: W.S. Rendra, Peacock and People’s Poet Moira Neagle 131 The Socio-Political Factors of the Emergence of Teaching English in Postcolonial Indonesia Dewi Candraningrum 154 The FIQH Paradigm and the Moderate Theory of Secularization: Abdurrahman Wahid on Islam, Democracy and the Republic of Indonesia Saefur Rochmat 188 The Influence of Walter Benjamin on Benedict Anderson Anthony Taylor 202 3|Page