International Journal of Indonesian Studies Volume 1, Issue 3 | Page 139

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN STUDIES SPRING 2016 At this point in the poem, the poet states the scene in straightforward nouns to sum up the dilemma Maria faces: ‘Time Moon Trees River Syphilis Ulcers Woman Like glass River reflecting the bright light’ (Ibid.) At her lowest point, a man reaches out to her from the other side of the river. He is handsome and his loving touch gives her peace and calm that she has never dared to hope. Maria kisses his body and discovers ‘In his left side In both hands In both feet’ (Ibid.63) From these scars, she recognizes who he is and ‘He nods his head. “Indeed. Yes”’ (Ibid.p.65) He is Jesus Christ and with him, Maria is no longer afraid ‘Loneliness and misery are destroyed’ (Ibid.) Her nemesis, ‘the angel who guards paradise’ is thwarted and ‘Dancing I enter the gates of paradise and eat as many apples as I want’ (Ibid.) Through this ending, Rendra offers hope to the impoverished, the sick, the homeless; he allows the dream of salvation to persist as Maria Zaitun enters the Garden of Eden where she can eat as many apples as she so desires. ‘Maria Zaitun is my name whore and bride both’ (Ibid.) The two factions can exist side by side. 139 | P a g e