INTER-SECTION Volume I | Page 2

2015 | INTER-SECTION | VOL I | T he Board of the Faculty of Archaeology congratulates the editors of INTER-SECTION: Innovative Approaches by Junior Archaeological Researchers on its strong ÀUVWHGLWLRQ Because it is important that results of archaeological research, also that undertaken by students, are available to a larger scholarly and lay audience, and because it is important that students experience early on what it means to publish in a peer-reviewed journal, the Faculty Board applauds the establishment of this journal and has decided to VXEVLGL]HLWIRUWKHÀUVWWKUHH\HDUV We wish the journal, its editors and the student authors every success. Corinne L. Hofman, Dean and chair Peter Akkermans, vice-Dean and chair of education David Fontijn, chair of research Kees Pafort, chair of management Faculty of Archaeology Carlo Manuels, assessor COLOFON INTER-SECTION Innovative Approaches by Junior Archaeologists Volume 1 17 September 2015 ISSN Printed version: 2452-266X (200 copies) ISSN Online version: 2452-2678 Cover photo: Einsteinweg 2 2333 CC Leiden the Netherlands [email protected] Twitter: @_INTER_SECTION_ Editorial Board Mette Langbroek Robin Nieuwenkamp Dean Peeters Roosmarie p.2 | VOLVlaskamp I | INTER-SECTION | 2015 Advisory Committee Dr. M.M. Antczak Dr. B.S. Düring Dr. M.H. van den Dries Prof. Dr. H. Fokkens Prof. Dr. D.R. Fontijn Dr. A. Geurds Prof. Dr. R.B. Halbertsma Prof. Dr. C.L. Hofman Prof. Dr. M.L.P. Hoogland Dr. H. Kamermans Prof. Dr. J.C.A. Kolen Prof. Dr. J.W.M. Roebroeks Prof. Dr. F.C.J.W. Theuws Prof. Dr. A.L. van Gijn Prof. Dr. Th. van Kolfschoten Dr. M.J. Versluys Dr. J.A.C. Vroom Layout and Editor of Illustrations Joanne Porck Printer Drukkerij de Bink