Inspiring Lives Magazine Winter 2017: Issue 3 | Page 48


The 24-Hour Woman can also be helpful for those who want to transition to a better place in their life or career as well . Learning to maintain that life balance while gathering needed skills can make taking on a new job or the career you really want much more manageable .
So what advice does Liew-Chng have for a woman looking to rise to a better place ?
“ Consciously design your transition plan . Ensure she keeps herself skilled in what the future of work is about — technical skills plus soft / people skills . See opportunities in the midst of the not-so-positive environment and seize them .”
So what kinds of things stop a woman from being successful ?
• “ The themes that we allow to play in our lives that are not moving us forward .
• Not having the courage to step out or to ask for help .
• Not playing big and stepping into her awesomeness .”
And what can the 24-Hour Woman do when her todo list is endless ? Liew-Chng ’ s answers are practical and sanity-saving there , as well :
• Prune the to-do list to only those that add value to what matters most to her and her legacy .
• Enlist help .
• Start with small wins .
In the end , it all comes down to what Liew-Chng considers the Five Pillars of the 24-Hour Woman :
• Appreciation
• Awareness
• Acceptance
• Accountability
• Action
Has it made Liew-Chng ’ s own life easier ? Definitely ! Her work day is based on what matters most that season . Meals are planned . A huge calendar in her kitchen keeps her family ’ s schedule organized . She enlists the help of others so she is not struggling alone . She sneaks in small moments , especially with her three sons . And she also makes sure she exercises and stays hydrated , which she stresses in all of her lessons .
Liew-Chng emphasizes that the 24-Hour Woman is the way work will be in the future . The typical 9 – 5 is going “ the way of the dinosaur .” The modern workforce is relying on skills and bringing workers in as needed . Those workers are more home-based and set their own standards and hours . Her book and methods are ready to show you how to balance and perfect this new way of life . n


Emphasizing entrepreneurship and personal growth , this magazine inspires , encourages , and instructs , addressing every facet of a woman ’ s life — the spiritual , the intellectual , the emotional , and the physical .
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