insideKENT Magazine Issue 51 - June 2016 | Page 98

eat your way to optimum health cont .
Vitamin C Possibly the most well known of vitamins is vitamin C , or ascorbic acid . It is an antihistamine and anti-oxidant ( it prevents free radical chemicals from attacking healthy cells ), keeps your immune system working , and is also essential for wound healing . Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy , which , in its mildest form , gives the sufferer a feeling of lethargy and malaise . It can also present as spongy gums and bleeding spots . At its most dangerous scurvy causes immobilisation , loss of teeth , pus-filled wounds , jaundice , fever and finally death .
Food sources : Citrus fruits , strawberries , broccoli , leafy greens , chillis , peppers , kale .
Vitamin D Known as the sunshine vitamin as being outside in daylight is one way to top up waning supplies , vitamin D boost the immune system , and strengthens bones . Not getting enough vitamin D will lead to muscle pain and weakness as well as bone problems which could end up being osteoporosis .
Food sources : salmon , cod liver oil , sardines , mackerel , mushrooms , egg yolks .
Vitamin E Also known as tocopherol , this vitamin is an essential anti-oxidant . If you are lacking in vitamin E , you will most likely suffer from nerve damage , an impaired immune system , and anaemia .
Food sources : Spinach , whole grains , nuts .
Vitamin K Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting . Without vitamin K , anaemia , bleeding gums , nose bleeds , and heavy periods can occur . Vitamin K deficiency is also related to osteoporosis and coronary heart disease .
Food sources : Leafy greens , broccoli , cauliflower , Brussels sprouts , asparagus , and a huge range of other vegetables .
Folic Acid Folic acid is a mineral most associated with pregnancy ( it helps to prevent birth defects ), but it is good for everyone . Folic acid promotes cell regrowth meaning that skin heals faster . Folic acid can be found in many foods , but you can also purchase folic acid supplements to give you an extra boost .
Food sources : Beetroot , beans , peas , nuts , asparagus .
Calcium For the healthiest , strongest teeth and bones , calcium is the mineral for you . Although around 99 percent of the calcium in our bodies can be found in our bones and teeth , there are also minute traces of this mineral in our blood – it helps with clotting after an injury . So keeping it topped up will ensure a healthy healing process along with those strong bones and good looking teeth .
Food sources : Dairy products ( milk , cheese , yogurt ), black molasses , green leafy vegetables , tofu , soya beans .
Iron Iron is a muscle builder – the term ‘ pumping iron ’ could even refer to the mineral rather than weights ! – as well as a tool to keep blood healthy . Not enough iron and you ’ ll suffer from anaemia , leaving you tired and weak , and which could lead to a whole host of other problems .
Food sources : Clams , oysters , offal , liver , spinach , lentils , cereals and beans .
Zinc Zinc is great for fertility , growth , and keeping our immune systems up to scratch . And what ’ s really good news is that it can be found in abundant supplies in dark chocolate !
Food sources : Oysters , spinach , beef , dark chocolate , cashews .
Chromium Chromium is a little heard of but essential mineral that your body needs to ensure that each part of it gets the energy it requires to keep going . Chromium works by making the glucose function within your cells work in the most efficient way , pushing the right amounts of sugar to the right places .
Food sources : Fresh vegetables , high-bran cereals , egg yolks , rice .
Potassium Potassium ’ s main function within our bodies is to maintain our heart function – that is , to keep it beating steadily and regularly . But potassium also regulates our fluid levels and ensures our nerves and muscles work properly .
Food sources : Bananas , chicken , sweet potatoes , white potatoes , oranges , kiwis , tomatoes .
Sodium Sodium ( salt ) is essential to us as human beings . Without it , we would die . We all know we shouldn ’ t have too much of it , but cutting it out of our diets completely is a potentially dangerous thing to do . Sodium stops us from becoming dehydrated . Dehydration leads to confusion , kidney failure and , eventually , death .
Food sources : Bread , poultry , celery ( yes , really !), carrots , beetroot , spinach .