insideKENT Magazine Issue 48 - March 2016 | Page 124

EDUCATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH ICT at Russell House It is sometimes said that the only constant in life is change. So it has been at Russell House, where development in recent years has included a major regeneration of their teaching of ICT. These improvements have sparked something of an ICT revolution at Russell House. The upgrade of hardware included over 70 new machines, a newlook learning zone incorporating clustered centres for collaborative learning, a library and a story-telling zone called The Hub. New interactive whiteboards, new video recording equipment and a mobile laptop trolley to house the bank of travelling computers have transformed how the school delivers computing. lots of both. The spirit of adventure in a Russell House classroom has certainly arrived; a reflection of the changing times around the world and the wealth of digital resources at the teachers’ fingertips. Before the upgrade, lessons typically focused on ICT skills which, while important, were often isolated and perhaps unrelated to other topics or experiences. The lesson itself was taken by a specialist, so learning rarely carried over to other sub