insideKENT Magazine Issue 48 - March 2016 | Page 116

EDUCATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH Challenge at Challoner Bishop Challoner School has a long tradition of extensive provision for the gifted and talented within the classroom and through extra-curricular activities. It prides itself on the creative and dynamic approach that its teachers consistently take to engage pupils of all abilities, especially the gifted and talented. They believe that the pupils’ academic abilities and creative talents should be stretched through setting high aspirations within the classroom and by giving them unique opportunities to shine. Bishop Challoner recently introduced the Higher Project Qualification which allows pupils to explore relevant areas of interest within their identified subject specialism. For example, year 10 pupils who are currently identified as being gifted in the sciences are completing an Environmental Science project. One pupil recently stated in her gifted and talented progress meeting that “it was a great opportunity to develop my practical science skills as part of a project that I find interesting and can take the lead on.” One of the key strengths of the Gifted and Talented provision at Bishop Challoner is the school’s commitment to achieving success through close staff and pupil collaboration. The Gifted and Talented Coordinator works closely with the relevant staff to prepare both GCSE and A level pupils for the university application process, 116 including Oxbridge level and with support for medical and veterinary applications. It is this planning and building for the future that makes the provision for the gifted and talented at Bishop Challoner School so successful and unique.