insideKENT Magazine Issue 45 - December 2015 | Page 30

Notes of Christmas 5th to 24th December 2015 Join us this Christmas for an exceptional festive display. Christmas trees, adorned with twinkling lights and musical GHFRUDWLRQVZLOOÀOOWKHPDJQLÀFHQW6WDWHURRPV(DFK room will feature an illuminated paper sculpture, inspired by traditional Christmas carols and hand-made by talented artist Helen Musselwhite. The Christmas Market 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th to 23rd December 2015 A wonderful array of seasonal gift ideas, toys, decorations, food and drink. Visit the Leeds Castle reindeer and birds RISUH\(QMR\RXUQRVWDOJLFIDLUJURXQGDWWUDFWLRQVDQG children’s rides. Both events are included with the price of admission. Book online for 10% OFF your ticket 27217 LC XMAS Kent Life 190x133.indd 1 18/09/2015 12:11