Inside Health Magazine: A Better You Starts With What's Inside May. 2016 | Page 16

Heartburn? Choose Natural Solutions over common drug store meds A recent study shows users of proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole (Prilosec) and others could be at risk for heart complications. More than 20 million Americans each year seek digestive relief from over-the-counter heartburn medicines, also known as Proton-Pump Inhibitors or PPIs. For years, an increasing number of studies have uncovered negative side effects from long-term use of PPIs—from increasing food allergies and fractures to dementia. Now a massive Stanford study funded by the NIH has uncovered a link between long-term PPI use and heart attacks. The study underscores the need for caution and concern regarding OTC heartburn relief drugs. Fortunately, there may be all-natural options available for many of these individuals experiencing occasional heartburn or indigestion. Belly Smart Be gentle to your digestive system, as it may not react well to certain foods. Hold the sriracha, put down the fried foods and make an effort to add healthy alternatives into your diet. Tomatoes and acidic foods are the worst, as well as alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. Heartburn Buster Occasional heartburn and acid discomfort after a meal are often symptoms of impaired digestion resulting from a variety of factors including lifestyle and diet. Reach for a natural dietary supplement like an enzyme, papaya leaf and other botanicals. Chew Well The enzymes in your mouth and grinding action present the stomach with a pre-digested mush rather than large chunks of undigested food. Elevate Yourself A simple change you can make right away is to elevate your head and upper body while sleeping--helping prevent gravity from allowing backflow of acid into your esophagus. This small step can make all the difference in helping the flow of your digestive system. Even though your grill may be overflowing with food for your summer bbq, be careful how much you overindulge. Your stomach will thank you. 16  •  INSIDE HEALTH While sometimes it is tempting to take a nap or lie down after eating, it is important to stay active. A healthy body is one that gets plenty of exercise and sleep. Say Hi to Fiber From eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, to high grain cereals and nuts, fiber is the engine that keeps everything in your digestive system moving. Know When to Say When Get Up and Move Get Off the Booze Cruise You know that too much alcohol is not good for you, but few understand the havoc it can have on digestion. Heartburn is often a result of over-indulgence; too much drinking can cause excess stomach acid and inflammation. Digestive issues are extremely common, and through these simple tips, natural solutions may provide you with the relief you’ve been looking for.