Inside Health Magazine: A Better You Starts With What's Inside May. 2016 | Page 13

Intolerance Misunderstandings
1 . Food Intolerance is the Same as Food Allergy
Keri says : Absolutely not ! While some of the symptoms of food intolerance and food allergy are similar , they are very different . Food Allergies are immune reactions against certain foods . Intolerance is the result of incomplete digestion .
2 . Lactose is the Biggest Problem With Dairy
Keri says : Many individuals who think they are lactose intolerant actually have the most trouble with casein . Lactose is a sugar in dairy and casein is a protein .
3 . I Should Just Eliminate the Foods That Give Me Trouble
Keri says : Love what you eat ! While elimination diets are necessary for some individuals , many people find support for their intolerance in supplemental enzyme formulas .
fiber , is found in many vegetables . Bacteria in the large intestine use cellulose and other insoluble fibers as food and then release gas , which can cause gas and bloating . Cellulosedigesting enzymes may ease digestive discomfort . The enzyme alpha galactosidase is used for digesting sugars from beans , grains and raw vegetables .
Studies are beginning to show that many individuals who have one food intolerance often have multiple . This is where digestive enzyme products may also help .
What Can I Do If I Have a Food Intolerance ?
The good news is that there are protocols in place for any food intolerance that can provide digestive relief and allow you to enjoy the foods you love .
First , it ’ s important to know that there is an entire spectrum of intolerance reactions . Some individuals respond more severely to certain foods than others , so strategies for calming digestion will be different depending on the individual .
For minor to moderate food intolerance reactions , digestive enzymes can be a huge help . Look for products that target the specific foods that you have difficulty with and give them a try . In some cases , all negative side effects may go away , and for others , these reactions may be lessened but may not go away entirely .

The most common enzyme deficiency is lactose intolerance affecting about 25 % of us .

There are many resources online and at my website , nutritiouslife . com for tips for avoiding these foods . Choosing the right elimination diet depends on your symptoms . Some may just need to eliminate gluten , while others may need to remove a wide range of foods , such as dairy , eggs grains , and food additives . Keep a food journal with symptoms for at least four weeks to see if symptoms worsen as foods are added back into the diet .
While eliminating problem foods from your cooking at home may be an approachable task , be careful when eating out . Those who are very sensitive to certain foods may experience difficulties with crosscontamination that may occur when foods are cooked on the same surface where a problem food has been cooked . When eating out , digestive enzymes may still offer a buffer , even if they might not normally eliminate all of your symptoms .
Don ’ t Let Intolerance Change Who You Are !
We have all had embarrassing digestive challenges at different times of our lives . It is part of being human ! With so many options available to conquer food intolerance , there is no reason to allow them to take over our lives .
Keri Glassman is a nationally recognized celebrity nutritionist who knows her food ! With a philosophy of living a Nutritious Life , Keri works with her clients to take a new look at nutrition through the eyes of total body health , wellness and beauty . Read more articles from Keri on her website , NutritiousLife . com .
How Do I Tell If I Have a Food Intolerance ?
1 . Keep a Food Diary
Keep a list of everything you eat , and then track if you experience any digestive issues . Over time , patterns may emerge that can point you in the direction of a specific intolerance .
2 . Try an Elimination Diet
Eliminate a specific problem-food like gluten or dairy from your diet for four weeks . Then , reintroduce the food in a small way , with a single piece of toast or cheese . If you experience digestive issues , you likely have a food intolerance . Remember to introduce one food at a time so you are aware of the problem food .
3 . Try a Digestive Enzyme
Brands like Enzymedica offer a wide range of products for food intolerance . If you think you have trouble with a certain type of food , try a digestive enzyme when you eat and see if you still experience digestive challenges .
For those with significant reactions from problem foods , sometimes the only solution is to eliminate those foods from your diet .