Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 63

funding CREATIVE SCHOOLS FUND The Creative Schools Fund—created to fulfill the goals outlined in the CPS Arts Education Plan (Goals 6C and 6D)—is an external, independent grant-making fund administered by Ingenuity. The Fund serves as one of the Creative Schools Initiative’s supports, incentivizing schools to prioritize arts education. It is the only grant-making entity in Chicago solely dedicated to providing direct financial support to CPS schools for the arts. The Creative Schools Fund (CSF) directs funds to schools that have a principal-approved Arts Liaison and have received a category rating on the Certification. The Fund encourages collaboration among school leaders, Arts Liaisons, and classroom instructors, and supports instructor-designed programs. Each participating school automatically receives Arts Essentials funds for arts materials and supplies. These schools are also eligible to apply for larger, competitive grants to fund larger materials purchases, facility renovations that benefit arts instruction, and programs provided by community arts partners. In the past three years, Arts Essentials funds have ranged between $500– $2,000 per school annually. In 2015–16, the Fund disbursed $812,000 in Arts Essentials to the 580 schools that completed a survey, and an additional $1,590,404 in larger grants to 156 schools, mostly for work with partners to supplement and diversify the arts programs available to their students. CSF grants between approximately $5,000– $15,000 were distributed across CPS networks and student grade levels. More than 25,000 students engaged in arts instruction with the support of CSF grants, an average of 156 students per grant. The majority of programs supported by CSF grants are in theatre and dance, which, as noted on the following page, are the disciplines for which there are fewer teachers in the district. 63