Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 31

STAFFING the arts in CPS / staffing the arts in CPS CERTIFIED ARTS INSTRUCTORS6 Certified arts instructors are the anchors for all arts activities in schools7. Their work goes beyond classroom instruction, and includes advocating for the arts with school leaders and decision makers; connecting students to in-school and out-of-school resources; and coordinating and sustaining valuable partnerships with parents and community arts partners. As mentioned previously, the 2012 CPS Arts Education Plan requires both elementary schools and high schools to set minimum staffing requirements in the arts at one certified full-time employee, or an improved ratio (Goal 1D)8. This section takes a closer look at arts staffing levels in The percentage of schools with at least one arts FTE, regardless of enrollment, has remained consistently high over the past four years of data collection, reaching 92 percent elementary schools and high schools across the district. in 2015-16. This high level of attainment in one of the critical areas of the 2012 CPS Arts Education Plan is promising. The percentage of schools with at least one arts FTE, regardless of enrollment, has remained consistently high over the past four years of data collection, reaching 92 percent in 2015-16. See Data Notes section of the Appendix for more details on the staffing data sets and process that were used to identify arts FTEs. 6 Charter school teachers are not required by CPS to hold a state certification. In this section, the term “certified” refers either to teachers in district-run schools that hold such a statelevel credential or to any individual designated as a teacher by a charter school. 7 Refer to the end of the report for details on this and the other goals of the Plan. 8 31