Ingenuity State of the Arts Progress Report 2015-2016 | Page 10

introduction The overall rating for each school is the product of a scoring rubric comprising several components; primary among them are arts instructor staffing and access to arts instruction (measured in elementary schools by minutes of instruction and the share of Primary components of the Creative Schools Certification are staffing, access, minutes of instruction, and disciplines and depth. students that have access to that instruction, and in high schools by number of disciplines and depth of instruction available in those disciplines). The next section of the report 10 discusses each of these components in turn, again exploring notable differences in how they are distributed across the district and how they have changed over time. For those who are interested in exploring these data in more detail, or in learning about the arts environment in a particular school, a listing of the full rubric for every CPS school is provided in the Appendix. The report also discusses the supplementary elements that comprise a school’s arts education environment. Some of these elements are included in the rubric that is used to determine a school’s rating: whether a school has a dedicated budget for the arts, professional development for arts instructors, an arts integration program, partnerships with external arts organizations, and opportunities for parent and community engagement.