Industrial Internet Security Framework v 1.0 | Page 13

Security Framework 2: Motivation implementation and design issues for each vertical target segment in the IIoT will be covered in a collection of documents (“V” series) capturing security-relevant topics as part of the use cases, testbeds, solutions and best practices for each of the addressed vertical markets as illustrated by ❹. More specific to security as a system characteristic across all vertical markets, security use cases, security solutions, and security best practices are covered as part of system-thematic specific documents as shown in ❺. Other key system characteristics such as safety and privacy will be addressed in topic-specific frameworks and will be covered in documents across all layers of the document stack in a similar fashion to security. Finally, all security related terms used in this document and their respective definitions are provided in a common ‘Industrial Internet of Things, Volume G8: Vocabulary’ document shown in ❻. 2 MOTIVATION Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems connect and integrate different types of control systems and sensors with enterprise systems, business processes, analytics and people. These systems differ from traditional industrial control systems by being connected extensively to other systems and people, increasing the diversity and scale of the systems. Historically, security in trustworthy industrial systems relied on physical separation and network isolation of vulnerable components, and on the obscurity of the design and access rules for critical control systems. Security was, and still is, enforced through physical locks, alarm systems and in some cases armed guards. The potential for human error or misuse was primarily through direct access and concerns focused on disrupting the safety and reliability of the system, with those risks mitigated by good design, analysis and reviews, thorough testing and training. Designers and operators rarely considered that these systems might one day be exposed to a global network, remotely accessible by many, from legitimate users to rogue nation-states. Over the past few decades, increasingly affordable computing power, ubiquitous connectivity and evolving data analytics techniques have opened the door to convergence of control systems, business systems and the internet. This convergence started small, initially being used for remote monitoring and management of systems, but quickly expanded to include mining and analyzing operations data for performance metrics to predict failures, optimize across fleets and perform remote software upgrades. This convergence has increased productivity, efficiency and performance of the existing operational processes and enabled the creation of new ways of leveraging operations data, thus delivering business value now and into the future. But with these gains come risks. Systems that were originally designed to be isolated are now exposed to attacks of ever-increasing sophistication and the design assumptions of existing operational technology (OT) systems no longer apply. A successful attack on an IIoT system has the potential to be as serious as the worst industrial accidents to date (e.g. Chernobyl and Bhopal), resulting in damage to the environment, injury or loss of human life. There is also risk of secondary damage such as disclosure of sensitive data, interruption of operations and destruction of systems during such an attack. The results of attacks on IIoT systems may be widespread and comparable to large natural disasters, but stemming from malicious intent. This will result in damage to brand and reputation, material economic loss and potential damage to IIC:PUB:G4:V1.0:PB:20160926 - 13 -