Indiana Reading Journal Volume 44 Issue 1 | Page 55


Indiana Standard

2.RN.2.1: Ask and answer questions about the main ideas and supporting facts and details in a text to confirm understanding.

2.RN.2.2: Identify the main idea of a multi-paragraph text and the topic of each paragraph.

2.RN.2.3: Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, and steps in a process or procedure in a text.

2.RN.3.1: Use various text features, table of contents, index, heading, captions to locate key facts or information and explain how they contribute to/clarify a text.

2.RN.3.2: Explain how a nonfiction text can be structured to compare and contrast, to describe a procedure, and to explain a cause and effect relationship.

How to Read Aloud Can Assist in instructions

The teacher would ask questions that provoke students to elaborate about the main ideas and supporting information. Teacher would explicitly explain why this ability is important to reading, how knowing/understanding this will allow you to get much more detail from a story.

Since the teacher is leading instruction, a copy of the text would be provided for each student to follow along with. The teacher would model explicitly how to find main idea on the first paragraph, then class would respond to the others in the same way. I suggest you try this Shared Reading approach twice a week, or any time the students all have a copy of the book you are using for read-aloud.

The teacher could model think aloud and questioning as the students continue to listen to the read aloud. Teacher would eventually gradually release the responsibility of this learning activity to the students.

This modeling strategy works best for read-aloud when all students have a copy of the book in front of them as the teacher reads aloud. Then think-aloud can be used and the teacher can refer to the feature of the book.

The teacher would show photos, graphs, etc. and lead class discussions regarding the sequence of events, similarities and differences, and cause and effect situations related to the person, place, or object the nonfiction piece is about.

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