Indiana Reading Journal Volume 44 Issue 1 | Page 54

Indiana Standard

2.RL.4.1: Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

2.RL.4.2 Compare and contrast versions of the same stores from different authors, time periods, or cultures around the world.

How to Read Aloud Can Assist in Instruction

This standard provides the opportunity at the end of a reading session for students to respond to the literature through describing and perhaps drawing the

“movie in their minds”.

This is a great opportunity for using a graphic organizer, such as a Venn Diagram. This standard might best be addressed using different versions of Fairy Tales and FolkTales. Fractured Fairy tales might also be a great read aloud to plan compare and contrast activities for.

Comments, examples or notes

Note: Don’t forget that a graphic organizer serves no purpose until the student uses the information he/she put in the diagram to synthesize his/her own work. This would be a great writing activity.


Table 1: Second Grade Lesson Plan for Read-Aloud (Continued)

Literature (Fiction) Standards from IDOE Website

Note: Second grade was chosen at random for these forms. I challenge you to look at standards for another grade level. I submit that you should able to find a way to make the standards align to read-aloud in a similar fashion. Read-aloud really has the power to address state standards well for all grade levels.

Table 2: Indiana Second Grade Literature NONFICTION Standards Addressed by Read-Aloud

Name of Read Aloud_____________________________________Date(s):_____________________

Indiana Standard

2.RN.1: Read and comprehend a variety of nonfiction within a range of complexity appropriate for grades 2-3. By the end of grade 2, students interact with texts proficiently and independently at the low end of the range and with scaffolding as needed at the high end.

How to Read Aloud Can Assist in Instruction

As elaborated upon by Layne, there is the process of teaching using the “listen up” strategy. This strategy involves the teacher’s understanding that, as a general rule, if text is read to them, students usually have listening comprehension skills two levels higher than their guided reading level. Thinking aloud in regards to comprehension while reading , (modeling) will help impact growth with this standard.

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