In the Works - Community Newsletter In the Works April 2017 | Page 67

While the event is not officially sanctioned, Board of Supervisors President London Breed and City agencies, including Public Works, worked hard to keep the crowds safe and minimize problems in the park and surrounding neighborhoods. The Recreation and Park Department and the Police Department handled the bulk of the work. The Fire Department, the Municipal Transportation Agency and the Department of Public Health also were involved. And for the first time, a group of Haight Street merchants stepped up to provide additional safety measures, including security, medical personnel and portable bathrooms. Rules, including no open fires, no glass bottles, no drug sales and adults-only, also were enforced. Public Works supplied barricades to help with traffic control in the Haight. We also had about a dozen street cleaners on the ground, picking up litter, steam cleaning the sidewalks and flushing down the streets for a deep cleaning once the crowds subsided. April 2017 - San Francisco Public Works Newsletter