IN Plum Spring 2017 | Page 37

Oblock Students “ Make ” News Center Elementary

Students Excelling in Reading and Math Programs

Oblock Junior High School continues to make advances technologically . The 1:1 iPad initiative at Oblock evolves each and every day . A key component of a successful 1:1 school wide initiative is student created content . This can be done in a multitude of ways . Students at Oblock have constructed their own iBooks , made movies , and are now creating their own newscasts . Oblock Student News originates from Mr . Jason Steele ’ s 8th grade Technology Education class . Students are given choices in which they can personalize their learning in his class . Students can study robotics , design items to be 3-D printed , study aquaponics , and new this year , Oblock Student News .
Oblock Student News is entirely student created . Students , with the help of Mr . Steele and Mr . Dziewulski , one of the district ’ s Technology Integrators , have made the existing Oblock sound studio into a functional TV studio . With the use of a green screen , student iPads , and some hard work , Francesca , Jessica , Alyssa , and Emma are able to produce an effective newscast for the entire building to see . Announcements are entirely student generated . The four girls prioritize the building ’ s news , interview staff and students , edit the newscast using iMovie , and then the newscast is uploaded to YouTube for all of Oblock and the world to see . All of the student work is completed in one class period . It is quite the efficient process and a great use of district technology .
With the change in nine-week grading periods , the newscast crew will shift to another group of students from Mr . Steele ’ s class . The transition should be brief , and new editions of Oblock Student News should be coming very soon .
You can see Oblock Student News for yourself on the Plum Borough School District ’ s YouTube page at : https :// www . youtube . com / c / PBSDVideos or by clicking on the YouTube button on the top of the district website .
Let ’ s hear it for the Black & Gold Booksburgh ! Students at Center Elementary have been busy focusing on their school wide reading and math programs this year . The school is continuing their Booksburgh reading program for the third year and , this year , adding Center Math Shooting Stars program .
Students at Center Elementary are striving to reach the goals established during Booksburgh . As of February 1st , the Penguins , Pirates , and Steelers have read over 10,845 books ! At this rate , students are on track to meet their goal of 20,000 books read for the year . When they do , Center ’ s principal , Mr . Knisely , will sport a purple mohawk ! Individually , readers have been making great gains up the “ Booksburgh ” incline . A total of thirty-three students have already made it into Center ’ s Reading Hall of Fame . One student , Geetha Vainavi Malisetty , has already earned over 1,000 AR points . What an incredible accomplishment ! Center Elementary is a school of reading champions !

The sky ' s the limit when it comes to math achievement at Center Elementary ! The entrance into the school is shining brightly with " Center ' s Math Shooting Stars !" Students in kindergarten through sixth grade are passing math benchmark assessments at the speed of light . Kindergartners are mastering counting and skip counting to 100 . First and second graders are passing progressively difficult timed addition and subtraction tests . In third and fourth grade , it is all about mastering multiplication and division facts . Fifth and sixth graders are conquering fraction and decimal computation . Student ' s names are displayed on stars beside their grade level planet when benchmarks are passed . In December , four lucky Math Stars won passes to SkyZone and other space-themed prizes for their hard work . Another raffle will be held this spring along with a Recess Popsicle party if 90 % of Center ' s students earn at least one star . Teachers are " over the moon " with their student ' s success ! lum Borough

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