IMAGINE MAGAZINE FALL 2016 Peace and the Environment | Page 19

Everything that lives has value simply as a living thing , as one of the manifestations of the mystery that is life . - Dr . Albert Schweitzer

Everything that lives has value simply as a living thing , as one of the manifestations of the mystery that is life . - Dr . Albert Schweitzer

believed his greatest contribution to the world was something else .
During World War I , he was deeply worried about the future of humanity and desperately sought a solution to human violence . But , intensely studying various religions and philosophies , he could not find a solution . Then one day , it suddenly flashed on his mind : Reverence for Life .
Schweitzer explained , Reverence for Life is the realization that each of us wants to live , and we are surrounded by other beings who also want to live . Just as we want our life to be honored , so should we honor their lives — we did not breathe life into them and have no right to take it from them . He proclaimed , “ Everything that lives has value simply as a living thing , as one of the manifestations of the mystery that is life .”
Could this realization end most human violence ? Schweitzer believed it could . After all , if a person is reluctant to kill a mouse , he or she will probably also be reluctant to kill a fellow human being . Schweitzer declared , “ Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things , man will not himself find peace .”
Peacemaker Perspectives
Looking further , we found similar beliefs shared by many other peacemakers . For example , Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi believed in the ideal of ahimsa ( nonviolence toward all living beings ), tried to live it to the best of his ability , and said , “ The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated .”
Also valuing ahimsa , is Vietnamese Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Thich Nhat Hanh , who said , “ If we are motivated to protect the lives of all animals , even the smallest insect , then we will never want to take human life .”
On the other side of the world , we discovered a lesser-known , but influential , figure sharing these beliefs . English scholar Henry Salt wrote extensively on the link between animal wellbeing and human wellbeing , saying , “… as we treat our fellow beings , ‘ the animals ,’ so shall we treat our fellow men .”
Similarly , American labor leader Cesar Chavez believed , “… the basis for peace is respecting all creatures . We cannot hope to have peace until we respect everyone , respect ourselves and all living beings .”
More recently , South African Nobel Peace Prize recipient Desmond Tutu shared , “ I have seen firsthand how injustice gets overlooked when the victims are powerless or vulnerable , when they have no one to speak up for them and no means of representing themselves to a higher authority . Animals are in precisely that position . Unless we are mindful of their interests and speak out loudly on their behalf , abuse and cruelty go unchallenged .”
Perhaps most direct of all , Russian writer Leo Tolstoy , whose beliefs about social justice influenced Gandhi and other peacemakers , proclaimed , “ As long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields .”
A Suggested Practice
So , if violence begins with disconnection , how can we re-connect ?
One way is to first , simply notice the beings around you — your dog or cat , a bird outside your window , a caterpillar on your patio , etc . Look closely at him or her , and think to yourself : “ a fellow life form ,” or , “ a manifestation of the mystery that is life .” Allow yourself to feel a sense of awe and connection . Perhaps admire his or her beauty and marvel at the fact that you share this planet with such a vast array of fascinating creatures .
In time , you might feel moved to shift some behaviors to help your new friends . For example , you might like to start humanely catching and releasing household “ pests ,” buying products that are not tested on animals , or removing meat from your diet ( even if just one day a week such as with Meatless Mondays .)
By reconnecting with all beings and extending compassion to them , we can enjoy a clearer conscience , greater connection with the community of all life , and the fulfilment of knowing we are saving lives and helping create a less violent , more peaceful , world .
Heather Chase is co-author , with her husband Ken Beller , of Great Peacemakers , winner of more than thirty awards , endorsed by three presidents and three Nobel Peace Prize recipients , and used in educational programs in the U . S . and abroad . Details and a free chapter are available at www . GreatPeacemakers . com .
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