I'm Here With Magazine Issue 1 | Página 89

" I’ve heard a lot of people wishing they could help or do more, so I want to challenge everyone to donate. Texting REDCROSS to 30333 will automatically donate $5 (very simply charged to your phone bill) to aid in the wildfire disaster. If everyone who reads this can donate $5, that’s a significant donation right there,” shares David.

“I also think it goes without saying – but we need too anyway – how appreciative everyone is for the support already pouring in. From hotels and restaurants offering free accommodations and meals, to individuals and businesses trucking up fuel, water, and food to the evacuees who have yet to leave the city. As a former Fort McMurrayite. It’s awesome to see how calm, cool and collected mayor, Melissa Blake, and Premiere Notley have been throughout the entire ordeal. Great examples of leadership,” exclaims David.

Donate your coffee. Give $5. Thank you David for speaking out!

Kathy Trinh from CTV and many other local Celebrities are

urging support on their social media. At the Alberta Film

Awards, Tom Jackson made a wonderful speech about

donating and making a difference!

YYCharity also supported the tragedy,

Cassandra Raugust, YYCharity CEO Gail Nicholson,

Dawna Chouinard, Angela White and many more worked at a

warehouse for a month after the fire, to prepare backpacks.

backpacks and many helpful goods to Fort McMurray. An amazing amount of

support was had in Calgary who donated binned items.

In need of more bins and support!


David Oulton

The YYCharity ladies put a lot of time into helping Fort McMurray, by preparing goods for vicitims of the fire.

Tom Jackson at AMPIA, in May 2016.

News reports are now saying the fire was started by humans.