IGNIS July 2014 | Page 14

Rhamphorhynchoids were mostly small, with broad wings, short necks and skulls, a large rear wing and weren’t very good on the ground, and generally had long tails. Pterodactyloids were, in general the opposite - big, with narrow wings, long necks and skulls, had a smaller rear wing, short tails and were much better on the ground. Unfortunately, few pterosaurs lived close to the places where fossils tend to form. Their bones were extremely fragile and so didn’t preserve well, meaning pterosaur fossils are often incomplete. However, some soft tissue preserved in a few fossils can tell us about beaks, wings, and most importantly pterosaurs were covered in a sort of reptilian ‘hair’ that made them furry! Dimorphodon Quetzalcoatlus Pterosauria Pterosaurs were not technically dinosaurs! The word Pterosaur comes from the Greek word ‘pterosauros’, meaning ‘winged lizard’. The first pterosaur fossil was described by the Italian naturalist Cosimo Collini [