IASC 25 years | Page 93

Joint meeting of the Executive Committees of IASC and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) at the IPY 2010 Conference in Oslo, Norway, June 2010. Photo: IASC Secretariat SCAR and IASC worked closely together as mem- ary 2008 the organizations formed the Joint IASC/ bers (ex officio) of the IPY Joint Committee that SCAR Bipolar Action Group (BipAG), chaired initially planned and implemented IPY 2007-2008. Both by Heinz Miller (AWI, Germany) to advise both bod- organizations encouraged the development of the ies on (a) how best to develop collaborative bipolar ocean observing systems called for by the IPY - an activities in the future, and (b) how best to nurture integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System (iAOOS) the IPY 2007/2008 legacy. BipAG met in St Peters- and a Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) burg on 8 July 2008, and in Oslo on 15-16 October - which will be important contributions to under- 2009, and prepared advice for the management standing and forecasting polar climate change. bodies of its two parents. In 2010, BipAG´s terms of SCAR invited IASC to jointly sponsor SCAR´s reference were modified to focus on bipolar issues, planned Open Science Conference in St. Petersburg, while the SCAR and IASC EXCOMs agreed to jointly Russia (8-11 July 2008), which was eventually ad- address IPY legacy issues. opted and co-sponsored by ICSU and WMO as the 1st IPY conference. SCAR and IASC continued to To effectively address the challenges and efficiently work together as co-sponsors (with others) of the use available resources, a new and novel framework 2nd IPY science conference (Oslo, Norway,